Friday, October 24, 2008

What were you doing...

Thank you Lorie for giving me this idea!

What were you doing 20 years ago?
  • I was finishing up my mission in my last area of Petersburg, West Virginia, a tiny little town nestled 1 1/2 hours from the interstate highway where people live in the "hollers."
  • I was excited to come home, but nervous about jumping back into "real" life with all of the stresses and pressures that came with it.
  • I was scheduled to come home December 29th and would be returning to my family, but in a new house and new ward. I also was coming home to a new brother-in-law who had married my sister a few months before.
What were you doing 10 years ago?
  • We were living in Salt Lake where I was doing full-time day care and teaching a few piano students.
  • Paul worked for American Stores, but there were rumors of a buy-out that could affect us.
  • We were expecting our fourth baby.
  • I was the choir director at church as well as being the nursery leader; Paul was the elder's quorum president.
What were you doing on 9/11/2001?
  • We were living in Meridian, Idaho; Paul was job-hunting at the time and I was just a few weeks pregnant with our fifth baby.
  • I had dropped the older children off at school and come back home to a pile of laundry. After I got situated ready to fold the laundry, I turned on the tv for entertainment during this most mundane task.
  • As the picture came up, I saw a tall building crumble to the ground over a few seconds time. I thought: what movie is this? and why is this on instead of the usual morning news show.
  • It took less than a minute of viewing and listening to realize that this wasn't a movie, IT WAS REAL, and the change it effected on our lives and our country was permanent and lasting.
What were you doing 5 years ago?
  • I was working the night shift full-time on the Mother-Baby Care Unit at St Luke's hospital as a CNA.
  • Paul was managing a Taco Bell franchise and things were a little crazy at home with the busy schedules.
  • I was home-schooling Holly half-day and taking her to school the other half of the day.
What were you doing 1 year ago?
  • I was in my third semester of nursing school, and getting excited about the new skills I was able to use in my clinicals
  • Paul was beginning his second year as a teacher's aide in the special education classroom at Frontier Elementary, and took Ellie with him every day to attend all-day kindergarten at the same school.
  • I was still working on the Mother-Baby Unit but looking for the opportunity to switch to the float pool.
What did you do yesterday?
  • I had a clinical rotation at a mental health hospital 7am-3pm; class from 4:30-6pm; and worked (in the float pool!) from 7pm-11:30pm.
  • I planned the fun, ordinary things I want to do with the kids after I graduate--like reading with Ellie (Paul gets to do that all the time--I'm jealous!), play games with Maddie and Emily, "go places" with Holly, and have long conversations with Daniel.
  • I read my family's website and blogs to catch up on their news and enjoy the pictures of their beautiful children.
What am I doing today?
  • I accepted a job offer from St. Luke's for a new graduate nurse position with the float pool on nights!
  • I'm getting paperwork ready for graduation and applying for the NCLEX boards.
  • I'm working tonight from 3pm-11:30pm.
  • Kiss my children's sleeping faces before I go to bed.
What will I do tomorrow?
  • Hug my children and tell them how grateful I am for them and that I love them!
  • Remind my family that there are only seven weeks of my school left before graduation!
  • Hug them all again!
  • Work from 11am-11:30pm.
  • Tell Paul how much I appreciate all he does to support me while I'm finishing school.


dishes and laundry said...

This was fun to read! Yay for accepting the job!!!!!!

ash said...

This was really fun! It's fun to know what you were doing before I joined the family. We are also really excited about your new job! Great news!

i i eee said...

That was fun! You are so amazing!

And congrats about the new job!

Elise said...

Congrats on the job! You are almost done, so exciting!