Monday, January 26, 2009

Family Home Evening in the ADHD Zone

Family Home Evening at our house can be an interesting experience with half the family having ADHD moments since the meds have worn off by the end of the day.

Last night Maddie and Ellie prepared the lesson on Avoiding Gossip. They really did a pretty good job using scripture and quotes from general authorities as well as a game of hangman and an activity to help teach the lesson. However, the presentation of the lesson was a little unconventional. It went something like this...

Game of Hangman to introduce the subject.

Maddie starts, "Who can guess a letter?....(hands raised) Daniel."

"P," says Daniel after thinking for a moment.

"Yes!" calls Maddie, by now in the other room, and she front walk-over's her way back to the living room to fill in the "P" on the hangman.

Now Ellie chooses someone. "Emily." (Maddie is walking on her hands in the entryway)

Daddy says, "Maddie, come back in the living room--the teacher needs to stay in here."

"Okay." And she returns to sit on the piano bench. "How about another letter?"

"Wait it's still my turn!" say Emily indignantly.

Holly whispers to me, "Mom can you tickle my back?"

"Do we have milk for breakfast in the morning?" blurts out Daniel.

I reply, "We'll check after we're done with FHE. Let's finish Maddie's game."

"What game?"

"Hangman!" says an exasperated Daddy. (Maddie is doing back walk-overs in the entry)
Somehow we got through the hangman game and went on to the main part of the lesson.

Maddie and Ellie sat on the piano bench, read a scripture and a quote and then asked a question. (Raised hands) "Um...Holly."

"Let me think for a minute." Then she launches into a lengthy answer ending with 'don't you think, Dad?'

"Next question!" announces the nine-year-old instructor.

After a few more questions, it was time for the closing song, "Trying to be like Jesus." As the last note sounded, Maddie ran from the room calling, "I have to go to the bathroom!"
If you took all the pieces of the (exhausting) lesson and put them together without interruption--there was a good message there--I just hope a few bits of it went into the hearts and minds of each member of our family.

(Sigh) We'll go forth and try again next week!

1 comment:

me said...

sounds somewhat familiar! Somehow they are learning we hope:)