Friday, July 11, 2008

The Energizer Bunny

The Energizer Bunny lives at our house. Her name is Madelyn (remember the Energizer Bunny is pink after all!) We gave her this nickname because well...she keeps going and going and going! If we call her from another part of the house, when she comes it is often a combination of skipping, somersaulting, cartwheels and front walkovers.

Gymnastics practice is Mon, Wed, Fri 9-12. 9am can come kind of early during the summer since it stays light in the evening until around 10:30. This morning, I awoke at 8:25 (Cut me some slack, I worked until 11:30 the night before!) with a start thinking of what it would take to get Maddie dressed, breakfast down and out the door within 20 minutes to get there on time. I leaped out of bed and ran to her bedroom.

The bed was empty.

I ran to the kitchen. There she was calmly eating a bowl of cereal, dressed in her leotard and warm-ups, ready to go.

"Hi, Mom," she called cheerily.

Watch out! The Energizer Bunny has been recharged!

1 comment:

i i eee said...

Maddie has some mad skillz. :)

Beautiful extensions!